The last several years have witnessed a boom in research on Aloe and its applications for humans and animals. The following are just a small cross section. Some of the following is included as anicdotal information and may not be relative to Gano Apex Resources Natural Tonic, but to the Aloe from which it is produced.
" Professor of Physiology (University of Texas) and chief of the Research Laboratory of North Texas, Ivan Danhof, showed (1984) that the application of Aloe gel to the skin accelerates firboblasts. Fibroblasts aid in the manufacture of collegen which is the protein that controls the aging process of the skin and wrinkling. (As one ages, collegen starts to disappear from the skin, causing slackening and wrinkling.) Aloe gel helps to protect the outer layers of the skin by helping it to reorganize skin cells. He further showed the moisturizing properties of Aloe by demonstrating that the skin absorbs moisture from Aloe gel three to four times faster than water. "
" Around the same time researchers in Canada isolated acemannon for their own studies. Since then, clinical trials on people living with AIDS ("PLWA") have shown that acemannon re-enforces the body's natural immune system and thus may stop the progression of HIV. Such studies have been corraborated by others, showing not only the nutrition value of ingesting Aloe (in drink form), but also it's potential for providing significant benefits to boost the immune system. Of course, how the Aloe drink is processed is a determining factor in the degree of potential benefit. "
Please keep in mind, there is no known method of curing AIDS - so PLWA should not view this as a cure, but rather as another option in possibly arresting or slowing down HIV. Aloe has not been scientifically proven to completely remove HIV from the body. Anybody who says that it - or anything else, has been shown to cure AIDS (cancer, etc.) is either misinformed or intentionally deceiving for their own purposes (usually financial). Aloe is; however, a bright hope in the battle of many illnesses - and certainly in strengthening the immune system.
" One report ("Clinical Review" 1987) shows that a compound - acemannon - found in Aloe seems to have some remarkable anti-viral properties. Even where HIV (the virus that often leads to AIDS) is concerned, Dr. Reg McDanial stated, "It appears that carrisyn [editor's note: Carrisyn is the commercial name of acemannon patented by Carrington Laboratories] neutralizes the [AIDS] virus by transforming it's protein envelope thus preventing it from attaching itself to the T4 cells. "
Dr. Lee Cowden (Dallas, Texas) observed that several conditions benefit when treated by oral consumption of Aloe . They include: irritable bowl syndrome, ulcerative colitis, esophagitis, peptic ulcer, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, mouth lesions, sore throat, and lupus.
In laboratory tests on animals his findings included the results that Aloe can prevent and arrest arthritis, improve wound healing, inhibit pain, block inflammation, restore bone growth, and act as a vehicle for the delivery of nutrients to the body. Dr. Davis stated, "Aloe contains the greatest number of active substances of any plant I've looked at"
" Dr. B. Frielander, (San Diego, CA) a Nutritionist, noted that patients with chronic colon problems including constipation, hemorrhoids, colitis and Crohn's disease, benefit from drinking aloe juice as a part of a nutritional program. He noted that even their complexions looked better! "
" Dr. Lee Cowden (Dallas, Texas) observed that several conditions benefit when treated by oral consumption of Aloe . They include: irritable bowl syndrome, ulcerative colitis, esophagitis, peptic ulcer, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, mouth lesions, sore throat, and lupus. "
" Aloe is also known to help unblock and keep clean the receptors inside the lining of the intestines - facilitating the absorption into the bloodstream of vitamins and other nutrients.
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Not all doctors will agree with the use of Aloe (indeed, some don't accept it as of any benefit at all), its growing acceptance and increased use in the medical profession (or at least a nod in its direction) has given more optimism to those who seek non-toxic alternatives to drugs. And, where modern drugs may not be helping the individual, Aloe and other options (chiropractic, herbs, meditation, etc.) are growing in popularity.
Certainly the use of Aloe for so many centuries and so many scattered and varied cultures and locations of the world must give occasion to at least further look into its potential for the benefit of humankind.
But, as with all things, wisdom must be followed. Aloe can be used externally (on the skin) and internally (drinks).
While Aloe is shown in studies to benefit in many ways, no reputable study nor scientist has claimed that Aloe will work the same for everybody - nor are results universally applied. And remember, only the body cures itself through the miraculous bio defenses. Modern medicines, herbs, Aloe, etc. only provide the body what it requires to effect a "cure", or at least to arrest disease at its current stage.
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